Friday, June 19, 2020

[HSK 6: Vocabulary 21-30] Let's read all the Chinese words in HSK 6 | 汉语水平考試 HSK 6

HSK 6-21: 拔苗助长bá miáo zhù zhǎng  [n./v.] four-word Chinese idiom
: to pull something out
: a shoot of a plant
: to help
: to grow
[Traditional Chinese] 揠苗助長yà miáo zhù zhǎng
[Definition] spoil things by excessive enthusiasm
[Literal] to help rice shoots grow by pulling them upward
别溺爱孩子, 那是拔苗助长
bié nì ài hái zi , nà shì bá miáo zhù zhǎng
別溺愛孩子, 那是揠苗助長
bié nì ài hái zi , nà shì yà miáo zhù zhǎng
Don’t spoil your kids.
It’s like helping the rice shoots grow by pulling them upward.
More example sentences:

That he wants to learn Chinese well within three months is nothing more than helping rice shoots grow by pulling them upward.

You need to have plans when doing things. It’s just like helping rice shoots grow by pulling them upward if you just want to finish something in a short time.

Mrs. Lee spoils her kids too much. It’s simply like helping rice shoots grow by pulling them upward for the kids.
The story behind:
Long ago in China, a man was worried that the shoots of his crops might not grow, and so he pulled every single one of them a bit upward. After that ,he returned home, saying to his family, "I'm exhausted today because I have given the shoots some help for them to grow." Hearing this, his son anxiously went to the fields but only to find that the shoots had all withered away.
HSK 6-22: 把关bǎ guān (v)  
[Definition] to guard a pass; to check and control (strictly)

zhèng fǔ yīng gāi yán gé bǎ guān shí pǐn ān quán
The government should strictly control the food safety.
More example sentences:

hǎi guān bǎ guān huò wù de jìn chū kǒu
The customs handle the import and export of goods.
yán gé bǎ guān néng què bǎo zhì liàng
Strict checks can ensure quality.
[把关 can be a noun.]
wǒ men bì xū tì shāng pǐn de zhì liàng bǎ guān
We must check the quality of the merchandise.

HSK 6-23: bǎ shǒu" (n.) knob; handle; grip  
tā zhuǎn le zhuǎn bǎ shǒu dàn shì mén suǒ zhù le
He turned the knob, but the door was locked.
[doorknob: 门把mén bǎ ]

HSK 6-24: 罢工 bà gōng (n./v.)
(1)   [n.] a strike
zhè chǎng bà gōng dǎo zhì le jīng jì xiāo tiáo
This strike led to an economic depression.
[導致HSK 5 (v) : to result in; to lead to]

(2)   [v.] to go on a strike
因為協商失敗, 工人們準備罷工。
yīn wéi xié shāng shī bài gōng rén men zhǔn bèi bà gōng
Because the negotiations failed, the workers were ready to go on a strike.

HSK 6-25: 霸道 (adj.) bossy; overbearing; tyranny
zhè jiā huǒ tài bà dào le gēn tā jiǎng dào lǐ méi yǒu yòng
This guy is too bossy. There is no use arguing with him.

luò kè yǒu ge bà dào de nǚ yǒu
Rocky has a bossy girlfriend.

HSK 6-26: bāi
[1] (v.) to break off with both hands
[2] (greeting) bye; goodbye
掰开bāi kāi: pull apart; split open
掰下bāi xià: break off
nà kě lián de hái zi bǎ miàn bāo bāi kāi yǔ jiě jie fèn xiǎng
That poor kid split the bread and shared with his sister.

(2) a casual way to say “goodbye”: 掰掰bāi bái
(because the pronunciation is close to “BYE” in English)
lǐ chá lǎo shī bāi bái
Byebye, Teacher Richard.


HSK 6-27: 摆脱bǎi tuō  (v.) to get rid of; to cast off; to break away
zhōu tài tai wú fǎ bǎi tuō hūn yīn shī bài de tòng kǔ
Mrs. Zhou can’t get rid of the sorrow of her failed marriage.


HSK 6-28: 败坏  (v.) to ruin; to tarnish; to undermine
chǒu wén yǐ yán zhòng bài huài nà wèi hòu xuǎn rén de míng shēng
This scandal has severely tarnished the candidate’s reputation.

败坏名声bài huài míng shēng: to tarnish reputation
败坏风气bài huài fēng qìto degrade social conduct

气急败坏/氣急敗壞qì jí bài huài
[4-word Idiom] (adj.) flustered and annoyed ; (adv.) very angrily
tā qì jí bài huài de lí kāi
She left very angrily.
More example sentences:
败坏 can be a verb and an adjective:

(v.) to undermine; to tarnish
tā bài huài wǒ de míng shēng
He tarnished my reputation.

(a.) bad and corrupted
bài huài de shè huì fēng qì zào chéng zhè ge guó jiā jīng jì shuāi tuì
Corrupted society led to the economic depression of this country.

名声míng shēng /名誉míng yùreputation
风气fēng qìcommon practice in society; social conduct
严重yán zhòngserious; severe
候选人hòu xuǎn rén candidate

HSK 6-29: 拜访/拜訪 (v.) to visit; to call on

wǒ xī wàng wǒ néng qù tái wān bài fǎng lǐ chá lǎo shī
I wish I could go to Taiwan and visit Teacher Richard.

拜访: visit a person/a country/ a city/a tourist spot
参观: visit/see around a [smaller] place (museums/houses/castles…)

HSK 6-30: 拜年 bài nián (v.)
to wish someone a Happy Chinese New Year
to make a Chinese New Year visit

wǒ men nóng lì xīn nián qī jiān huì xiàng qīn qī bài nián
We make a New Year visit to relatives during Lunar New Year.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Let’s learn all the Chinese lyrics of this song/meme: 雪花飘飘 xuě huā piāo piāo (the snow falls)

Check it out - what is the meaning of the third sentence from this Egg-headed man:
More about this hit MEME: 雪花飘飘 xuě huā piāo piāo (the snow falls)
upper line: simplified Chinese
lower line: traditional Chinese
歌曲: 一剪梅
    :    jiǎn  méi 
Translation:  A Branch of Plum Blossoms
: 費玉清
chàng    fèi    qīng 
sing(Artist) Fei Yu Qing          
zhēn  qíng  xiàng  cǎo  yuán  guǎng  kuò 
Translation:  A true love is like the wide grassland
céng  céng  fēng      néng   
Translation:  Unaffected by layers of wind and rain
总有云开 日出时候
總有雲開 日出時候
zōng  yǒu  yún  kāi    chū  shí  hòu 
Translation: There will be a time when the clouds open and the sun shines
万丈阳光 照耀你我
萬丈陽光 照耀你我
wàn  zhàng  yáng  guāng  zhào  yào   
Translation: Thousands of sunbeams shine onto us.
zhēn  qíng  xiàng  méi  huā  kāi  guò 
Translation: A true love is like plum blossoms blooming
lěng  lěng  bīng  xuě    néng  yān  méi 
Translation: Unhindered by the cold icy snow
就在最冷 枝头绽放
就在最冷 枝頭綻放
jiù  zài  zuì  lěng  zhī  tóu  zhàn  fàng 
Translation: Right at the coldest moment, the branches burst into a bloom
看见春天 走向你我
看見春天 走向你我
kàn  jiàn  chūn  tiān  zǒu  xiàng     
Translation: In sight, spring approaches you and me.
雪花飘飘 北风萧萧
雪花飄飄  北風蕭蕭
xuě  huā  piāo  piāo  běi  fēng  xiāo  xiāo
Translation: Snowflakes fall; north wind whistles.
tiān     piàn  cāng  máng 
Translation: A vast emptiness between sky and ground.
一剪寒梅 傲立雪中
一剪寒梅 傲立雪中
 jiǎn  hán  méi  ào    xuě  zhōng
Translation: A branch of winter plum blossoms stands proudly in the snow.
zhǐ  wèi    rén  piāo  xiāng 
Translation: Only for that person, it spreads its fragrance.
爱我所爱 无怨无悔
愛我所愛 無怨無悔
ài    suǒ  ài    yuàn    huǐ
Translation: Love what I love without complaints and regrets.
此情长留 心间
此情長留 心間
  qíng  cháng  liú  xīn  jiān
Translation: This love forever stays in my heart.
Keywords: xue hua piao piao (the snow falls), egg head man, meme tiktok 繁简體中英对照/含音频及注音拼音/精选日常生活用语 中国语学习/汉语短词教学/中英文文法会话/英语对话听力 Simple and basic frequently-used Chinese/HSK Traditional/Simplified/English/with Audio/Idioms Chinese usages for grammar, greetings, slangs, proverbs Mandarin dialogues/conversations/small talks/sayings Listen before sleep/睡前記憶/vocabulary/daily/common 格言佳句俚語/語法翻譯/memorize before sleep/Richard language