Tuesday, January 29, 2019

80 Chinese New Year’s Greetings and Expressions

80 Chinese New Year’s Greetings and Expressions
春节 the Spring Festival
农历 lunar calendar
农历新年/中国新年Chinese New Year
正月 the first month by lunar calendar
除夕 Chinese New Year's Eve
初一 the beginning of Chinese New Year
春节假期 Spring break
大扫除 clean up the house
年终奖金 year-end bonus
尾牙 year-end party
买年货 do Spring Festival shopping
团圆get together
团圆饭/年夜饭the reunion dinner
围炉 surround the stove
敬酒 propose a toast
守岁 staying-up during Chinese New Year’s Eve
给/收红包give/receive red envelopes
压岁钱  New Year's Lucky Money
双数even  (even numbers are lucky for Chinese people)
放鞭炮 set off firecrackers
年兽 Nien (Monster)
贴春联 put up spring couplets
年糕 New Year’s rice cake
饺子 dumplings
汤圆 sweet rice balls
春卷 spring rolls
蒸鱼steamed fish
火锅 hot pot
去拜拜worship gods 
拜年 make a New Year's visit
祈求好运wish for good fortune
打麻将 play mahjong
打牌  play cards
祭祖 worship ancestors
舞龙舞狮dragon and lion dance

元宵节 the Lantern Festival
灯会 exhibit of lanterns
猜谜 guess riddles 
恭喜Gong Xi = Congratulations
恭喜发财Gong Xi Fa Cai!= Wish you prosperity and wealth.
新年快乐。Happy Chinese New Year!
招财进宝 Wish wealth comes to you
五福临门 May good luck visit your door.
长命百岁 Wish you longevity
年年有余 May there be bounty every year
喜气洋洋May your happiness be as broad as the sea.
吉祥如意We wish you good fortune and may all your wishes come true.
迎春纳福May you welcome happiness with the spring.
万事如意May every task you begin be completed according to your wishes.
岁岁平安Peace through the years.
财源广进May wealth come to you .
升官发财 May you advancement and wealth
心想事成May all your wishes come true.
花开富贵May your year flower in riches.
恭贺新禧Best wishes for a happy new year.
大吉大利May you have good fortune and every success.
国泰民安 The country is at peace and the people are satisfied
吉星高照The star of happiness shines brightly above.      
财运亨通 May many fortunes find their way to you!!
新春大吉 Wishing you good fortune.
四季平安 May you be blessed with peace and safety in all four seasons.
青春永驻Wishing you youthful vigor    
Chinese families gather together for the reunion dinner on Chinese NewYear’s Eve.

Before New Year, Chinese people clean up the house to sweep away bad luck and welcome good luck.

Chinese people stick up spring couplets on windows and doors.

Chinese people also set off firecrackers and give red envelopes to kids.

Never break tools or bowls during Chinese New Year.  
Breaking bowls or dishes means breaking good luck.

During Chinese New Year, Chinese people don’t sweep the floor with brooms.

Sweeping out the trash means sweeping out good luck.
Chinese people don’t borrow or lend money during Chinese New Year.

Nien was an imaginary monster in ancient China.

Nien appeared before Chinese New Year and it ate people.

It was siad that Nien was afraid of the sound of firecrackers.

It is why Chinese people set off firecrackers during Chinese New Year.

Simple and basic frequently-used Chinese
Traditional/Simplified/English/with Audio
Chinese usages for jobs, greetings, slangs
Mandarin dialogues/conversations/small talks

For more 500+ Chinese expressions:

Sunday, January 27, 2019

50 Best-Selected Chinese Daily Expressions (3)

50 Common Chinese Daily Expressions (3)
No repeated sentences in these collections
Feel free to learn them clip by clip
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More about Chinese daily expressions:

My hands are full right now. 我很忙。
My pleasure. 乐意之至。
Happy to hear that. 很高兴听到你这样说。
Get to the point. 说重点。
Let’s get down to business. 言归正传
He caught me off guard他让我措手不及。
He went through the roof.
他暴跳如雷。(jump like thunder)
难怪。 No wonder.
This drink is on the house.
I went broke.我破产了。
Let’s have brunch. 我们去吃早午餐吧。
Don’t pick on me. 別找碴
You’re a piece of work! 你很伤脑筋耶。
Leave me alone. 让我静一静
Hold on. 等一下。
What can I do? 怎么办?
My mouth watered. 我流口水了。
Whatever. 随便你。
Watch out! 小心!
Count me in. 算我一份
I am his fan.我是他的粉丝。
Feel better? 好点了吗?
Time is money 时间就是金钱。
Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。
How exciting! 真刺激
My eyes are sore.我眼睛好酸。
Wrong again. 又错了
Not again. 別又来了!
I asked for it. 我活该
He brought fown the house.
Just to play it safe. 为了安全起见
Say cheese. 笑一个。
Cut it out.  別闹了
Give me a break! 饶了我吧。
That’s not a problem. 那不是问题。
Thank goodness. 谢天谢地
Keep in touch. 保持联络。
I have no idea. 我没有头绪。
You set me up. 你出卖我。
You are so mean. 你真刻薄
Just wonderful. 简直太棒了。
You owe me one. 你欠我一个人情。
I’ll see to it. 我会留意的
Any day will do. 哪一天都行。
再接再励 Keep up the good work.
Let’s call it a day.
请接受我的道歉。 Please accept my apology.
The sooner,  the better. 越快越好
There is nothing I can do. 我无能为力
It’s his fiend. 这是他的老本行。

Simple and basic frequently-used Chinese
Traditional/Simplified/English/with Audio
Chinese usages for jobs, greetings, slangs
Mandarin dialogues/conversations/small talks

For more 500+ Chinese expressions:

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Learn How to Make a Self-Introduction in Chinese

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1. Opening

2. Name/Country(City)/occupation
我的名字是Richard Wu.

3. Family/Home status

4. Interests

5. Favorites

6. Hobbies

7. Future plans:

8. Ending

Learn How to Make a Self-Introduction in Chinese
Chinese introduction Homework Sample
Introduce yourself in Mandarin
The easy and simple way to talk about yourself in Chinese
Quick to learn with Samples

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Learn Chinese for Places and the Actions

Learn Chinese for Places and the Actions
How many places in Chinese have you heard of?
Full video link: https://youtu.be/goggBa6k_i0
Please visit my Youtube Channel and learn more.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Colors in Chinese

Colors in Chinese

Colors in Mandarin Chinese | 学习中文的颜色 | HSK 1, 2 Learn colors in Chinese with Richard Wu Keywords: 繁简中英对照/含音频及注音拼音/学习中文的颜色 中国语学习/汉语短词教学/英文会话/英语对话 Simple and basic frequently-used Chinese Traditional/Simplified/English

Sunday, January 20, 2019

50 Common Chinese Daily Expressions (2) | 繁简中英对照 | 含音频及注音拼音 | 精选中英日常生活用语

50 Common Chinese Daily Expressions (2)
No repeated sentences in these collections
Feel free to learn them clip by clip
Please like, share and subscribe.

I Hope so. 希望如此。
A piece of cake. 太简单了。 Impossible! 不可能!
It is a long story. 一言难尽。
Don't flatter me. 过奖了。
Heaven knows. 天晓得。
Don't get me wrong. 別误会我的意思。
Have fun. 玩得开心。
Good luck! 祝好运!
He lost his head. 他疯了。
Let’s take a picture. 拍张照。
Don’t be a smug. 少臭美了。
I might hear a pin drop. 鸦雀无声。
Stay away from him. 別靠近他。
Please subscribe. 请订阅。
Good job. 做得好。
我的皮夹掉了。My wallet dropped.
Smoking leads to cancer.
I am the one wearing pants in the house. 我当家做主。
I got cold feet. 我好怕。
He was on a business trip in Japan.
So do I. 我也是。
I am hungry. 我饿了。
Of course. 当然。
I decline. 我拒绝。
I see. 我明白了。
Between us. 你知我知,天知地知。
I promise! 我保证!
I respect you. 我尊重你。
Is that so? 是这样吗?
Let's bag it. 这事先不管了。
Can you give me a ride? 能让我搭一程吗?
That's not what I meant. 这不是我的本意。
Please don’t disturb me.
Watch you mouth. 说话小心点。
Saving money is a good habit.
Don't get high hat. 別摆架子。
That rings a bell. 有点印象。
Please turn on the light. 请开灯
Please turn off the light. 请关灯
My god. 天哪。
It’s delicious. 真好吃。
低调点Keep a low key.
It’s nothing. 小事情。
It’s not your fault. 別自责。
Bottoms up! 干杯。
Don't get loaded. 別喝醉了。
I'm so bored. 无聊死了。
Up to you. 随便你。
Don't hold in suspense. 別卖关子。

Simple and basic frequently-used Chinese
Traditional/Simplified/English/with Audio
Chinese usages for jobs, greetings, slangs
Mandarin dialogues/conversations/small talks

For more 500+ Chinese expressions:

Friday, January 18, 2019

Let's read Words From HSK 4 w/o example sentences (Vocabulary 401-450)

Let's read Words From HSK 4 w/o example sentences
(Vocabulary 401-450)
Full vid link: https://youtu.be/K0p9Aws4hWA

Thursday, January 17, 2019

How to use 想 in Chinese | Three meanings for 想 | Different Usages of 想

How to use 想 in Chinese | Three meanings for 想 
Different Usages of 想  | 中国语学习/想 and 认为

How to use 想 precisely?
The differences between “想” and “认为”?

1. 想 think (in your personal opinion) + a sentence
(often without proof, you just guess or suppose something as it was)
I think he is right.
[You just think about this in your personal opinion.]

I think he will like this dog.
[You just think about this and personally agree with this statement.]

What if you want to say these sentences with a more positive tone?
Then we use “认为”:
You consider something based on what you have known and with certain proof
我想他是对的。(a personal opinion, more colloquial)
我认为他是对的。(a formal and positive statement with certain knowledge or proof)

2. 想want to / would like + a verb
I want to learn Chinese.
I want to eat noodles.

3. 想
想念 miss, think of + someone or something
I miss my family in the US.
I miss my ex-girlfriend.

想 think (in your persoal opinion) + a sentence
想want to / would like + a verb
想 想念 miss, think of + someone or something

我想要离开。(think/want to/ miss)
I want to leave.
我想他吃饱了。(think/want to/ miss)
I think he’s full.
我想我的猫。(think/want to/ miss)
I miss my cat.
我想睡了。(think/want to/ miss)
I want to sleep.

Monday, January 14, 2019

[HSK 3: Vocabulary 1-50] Let's read all the 300 Chinese words in HSK 3

[HSK 3: Vocabulary 1-50] Let's read all the 300 Chinese words in HSK 3

[TEN-MINUTE DAILY CHINESE] HSK 3: Unit 4 - FIVE words and sentences from HSK

[TEN-MINUTE DAILY CHINESE] HSK 3: Unit 4 - FIVE words and sentences from HSK

[TEN-MINUTE DAILY CHINESE] This is [HSK 3]-Unit 1: Word 1-5

HSK 3 汉语水平考试(三级) HSK 3 hàn yǔ shuǐ píng kǎo shì (sān jí )
Never give up. Let's learn 5 words and sentences every day.
[TEN-MINUTE DAILY CHINESE] This is [HSK 3]-Unit 1: Word 1-5
We give you a FREE and COMPLETE HSK online study plan. Spend ONLY 10 minutes daily on 5 Chinese vocabulary and sentences. You can achieve your HSK goal easily and naturally.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Learn Chinese numbers | Mandarin digits (1~999) | 漢語数字


Learn how to count in Mandarin
How to say Chinese digits and numbers

Friday, January 11, 2019

50 Common Chinese Daily Expressions | 繁简中英对照 | 含音频及注音拼音 | 精选中英日常生活用语

50 Common Chinese Daily Expressions
Simple and basic frequently-used Chinese
Traditional/Simplified/English/with Audio
Chinese usages for jobs, greetings, slangs
Mandarin dialogues/conversations/small talks

For more 500+ Chinese expressions:

Please like, share and subscribe.

Cheer up. 振作点。
Get lost. 走开。
Speak for yourself. 我不这么认为。
Anything else? 还需要其他的吗?
Bless you! 祝福你!
You’re friendly. 你很友善。
Me too. 我也是。
Understood. 了解。
I am single. 我单身。
I am married. 我已婚。
Happy birthday. 生日快乐。
Thank you, Mom. 妈妈,谢谢你。
I like French people. 我喜欢法国人。
Give me a smile. 笑一个。
Take it easy. 放轻松。
It’s a bargain. 真划算。
Is it OK? 可以吗?
Stick with me. 跟紧我。
Don’t be afraid. 別害怕。
Don’t move! 別动!
Don’t be sad. 別伤心。
No way.  不行。
Your smile is beautiful. 你笑起来真美。
Sure. 当然。
I don’t believe it. 我不信。
This is not mine. 这不是我的。
Long time no see. 好久不见。
Never mind. 不要紧。
You’re welcome. 不用客气。
How about you? 你呢?
Study hard. 用功点。
Why not! 好啊!
What’s new? 有什么新鲜事吗?
Time’s up.  时间到了。
Probably.  可能吧。
I agree.  我同意。
不用找了。Keep the change.
我姓史密斯。My family name is Smith.
我是理查。I am Richard.
How nice of you. 你人真好。
Are you hungry? 饿了吗?
Are you full? 吃饱了吗?
Are you thirsty? 渴了吗?
Are you tired? 累了吗?
It’s September. 现在是九月。
Pay attention! 请注意。
How’s the weather? 天气如何?
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
What’s up? 有事吗?
Go ahead. 去做吧。

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Basic Simple Easy Chinese Expressions to make people happy

Basic Simple Easy Chinese Expressions to make people happy

1. Take it easy. 放轻松 fàng  qīng  sōng
I am nervous. 我好紧张。
wǒ  hǎo  jǐn  zhāng 。
Take it easy.放轻松。
fàng  qīng  sōng  。

2. It is no big deal. 这没什么大不了的。 zhè  méi  shén  me  dà  bu  liǎo  de  。
John seemed to be angry at me. 约翰好像对我很生气。
yuē  hàn  hǎo  xiàng  duì  wǒ  hěn  shēng  qì
It is no big deal.这没什么大不了的。
zhè  méi  shén  me  dà  bu  liǎo  de

3. Cheer up!  振作点!zhèn  zuò  diǎn 
I am dumped. 我失恋了。
wǒ  shī  liàn  le 
Cheer up! 振作点!
zhèn  zuò  diǎn  !

4.  wǒ  tǐng  nǐ 我挺你 I am on your side.
I think I should continue my study.我觉得我应该继续我的学业。
wǒ  jué  de  wǒ  yīng  gāi  jì  xù  wǒ  de  xué  yè 
I am on your side. 我挺你。wǒ  tǐng  nǐ 

5.  jiān  chí  xià  qù 坚持下去。Stick to it.
Chinese is really hard. 中文真的好难。
zhōng  wén  zhēn  de  hǎo  nàn
Stick to it! Success will belong to you eventually.
jiān  chí  xià  qù  ,  chéng  gōng  zuì  hòu  huì  shǔ  yú  nǐ  de

6.  nǐ  yǐ  jīng  zuò  de  hěn  hǎo  le你已经做得很好了。 You've done a good job already.
I just got a B in English.我英文才拿到B。
wǒ  yīng  wén  cái  ná  dào  B
You've done a good job already.
nǐ  yǐ  jīng  zuò  de  hěn  hǎo  le

11 easy and simple expressions to compliment ladies

11 common Chinese ways to woo the women you like
中国语学习/十一种爱意表达/Mandarin romance

Basic Expressions
你真漂亮。 You’re pretty.
nǐ  zhēn  piào  liang
我喜欢你的个性。 I like your personality.
wǒ  xǐ  huan  nǐ  de  gè  xìng
我真的很喜欢你。I like you very much.
wǒ  zhēn  de  hěn  xǐ  huan  nǐ
我爱你。I love you.  (too direct)
wǒ  ài  nǐ
你真有气质。You’re elegant.
nǐ  zhēn  yǒu  qì  zhì

Advanced Expressions
你能做我的朋友吗?Can we make friends?
nǐ  néng  zuò  wǒ  de  péng  you  ma
你是我见过最特別的女生。 You’re the most special girl I’ve ever seen.
nǐ  shì  wǒ  jiàn  guò  zuì  tè  bié  de  nǚ  shēng
你是西施下凡。You're like an angel.
nǐ  shì  xī  shī  xià  fán  。
我们命中注定要在一起。 We were meant to be together.
wǒ  men  mìng  zhōng  zhù  dìng  yào  zài  yī  qǐ
文字无法形容你的美。Your beauty is beyond description.
wén  zì  wú  fǎ  xíng  róng  nǐ  de  měi
你对我而言相当重要。 You mean a lot to me.
nǐ  duì  wǒ  ér  yán  xiāng  dāng  zhòng  yào

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Seeing a Doctor in Useful Chinese

Seeing a Doctor in Useful Chinese
Common Health Problems in Chinese
How to see a doctor in Chinese/Pinyin
Basic and Easy Expressions for sickness
Describe your illness to Chinese doctors

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More 500+ Chinese Expressions: https://youtu.be/jg6ypxpgqYs
My FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/180663792887265/

Chinese Expressions for Doctors
(医生用语)(  yī  shēng  yòng  yǔ  ) 
Which part of your body is aching? 你哪儿疼? nǐ  nǎ  r  téng  ?
Pull up your shirt. 把衣服拉起来。bǎ  yī  fu  lā  qǐ  lái  。 
Open your mouth./ Say “ah.” 把嘴巴打开。/说「啊」。bǎ  zuǐ  ba  dǎ  kāi  。  /  shuō  「  a  」  。 
Stick out your tongue. 把舌头伸出来。bǎ  shé  tou  shēn  chū  lái  。
Does it hurt here? 这里会痛吗?zhè  lǐ  huì  tòng  ma  ? 
No worries. Just take some medicine. 不要紧的,吃点药就好了。bú  yào  jǐn  de  ,  chī  diǎn  yào  jiù  hǎo  le  。
You’ll be fine if you drink more water and rest more. 多喝水、多休息就没事了。duō  hē  shuǐ、duō  xiū  xi  jiù  méi  shì  le  。
You need an injection. 要打针。  yào  dǎ  zhēn  。

Chinese Expressions for Patients
(病患用语)  (  bìng  huàn  yòng  yǔ  )
我 + Body Part + 疼téng  or 痛 tòng
My + Body Part + hurt
I have a headache. 我头疼。  wǒ  tóu  téng  。
I have a backache. 我背痛。wǒ  bèi  tòng  。 
I have a toothache. 我牙疼。  wǒ  yá  téng  。  
I have a sore throat. 我喉咙痛。 wǒ  hóu  lóng  tòng  。 
I have a stomachache. 我胃痛。 wǒ  wèi  tòng  。 

Other Health Problems and Expressions
(其他症状)  (  qí  tā  zhèng  zhuàng  ) 
Excuse me, which department should I visit?请问我应该看哪一科?qǐng  wèn  wǒ  yīng  gāi  kàn  nǎ  yī  kē  ?
Dr. Huang, how’s my illness? 黄医师,我的情况怎样? huáng  yī  shī  ,  wǒ  de  qíng  kuàng  zěn  yàng  ? 
My eyes are dry. 我眼睛干。wǒ  yǎn  jing  gān  。 
I catch a cold. 我感冒。wǒ  gǎn  mào  。 
I cough. 我咳嗽。 wǒ  ké  sou  。 
My chest is stuffy. 我胸闷。 wǒ  xiōng  mēn  。
I have a runny nose. 我流鼻水。wǒ  liú  bí  shuǐ  。
My leg is bleeding我脚流血了。 wǒ  jiǎo  liú  xuè  le 
I got scalded. 我烫伤了。wǒ  tàng  shāng  le  。
I got burned.我烧伤了wǒ  shāo  shāng  le  
I need an injection? Then I am OK now.要打针吗?那我没事了。yào  dǎ  zhēn  ma  ?  nà  wǒ  méi  shì  le  。

8 Quantifiers in HSK Level 1 and 2

There are totally 8 Quantifiers in HSK Level 1 and 2.
Let’s learn these interesting measure words
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中国语学习/汉语水平检定考/HSK 1 and 2
Basic and common Mandarin measure words

More videos about HSK 1 and 2:
Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist
Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist
Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist
Read HSK 1 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist
Read HSK 1 "ALL 150 Vocabulary" (Brief & Quick Version)
Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist
Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist
Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist
Read HSK 2 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

H1U1: https://youtu.be/jyPU2J9XLYY (basic)
H1U2: https://youtu.be/sij3JACCq0w
H1U3: https://youtu.be/iL-sYTXNamY
H1U4: https://youtu.be/ZnSFmBy-Nb0
H1U5: https://youtu.be/xx55k4R1WBU
H1U6: https://youtu.be/TjnSQJ0t6qE (Collocation)
H1U7: https://youtu.be/ro-6cwiZ4QU

H2U1: https://youtu.be/UPfFXjvx6g4 (basic)
H2U2: https://youtu.be/OeITFuhn23I
H2U3: https://youtu.be/Lj6CCHTyCaM
H2U4: https://youtu.be/RNA7g3fbo30
H2U5: https://youtu.be/r4BkTxFjU2M
H2U6: https://youtu.be/AfK_cDso5Lw (Collocation)

1. 个 ge (a quantifier for things or people) (HSK 1)
tā  chī  le  yí  ge  xī  guā  。
He ate a watermelon.

2. 岁 suì (a quantifier for ages) (HSK 1)
弟弟几岁?dì  di  jǐ  suì  ?
How old is your younger brother?
他两岁。tā  liǎng  suì  。 
He's two years old.

3. 本 běn (a quantifier for books or magazines) (HSK 1)
nà  běn  shū  yì  bǎi  kuài  。
That book is 100 dollars.

4. 块 kuài (a quantifier for cakes, cloth, money) (HSK 1)
zhè  kuài  dàn  gāo  hěn  měi  wèi  。
This piece of cake is yummy.

5. 公斤 gōng  jīn (kilogram) (HSK 2)
mā  ma  mǎi  le  sān  gōng  jīn  de  jī  dàn  。
Mom bought three kilograms of eggs.

6. 元  yuán (a quantifier for dollars) (HSK 2)
yú  hé  yáng  ròu  jiā  qǐ  lái  qī  shí  bā  yuán  。 
Fish and lamb are 78 dollars.

7. 件 jiàn (a quantifier for clothes) (HSK 2)
tā  chuān  shàng   zhè  jiàn  piào  liang  de  yī  fu  。
She put on the beautiful clothes.

8. 张 zhāng (a quantifier for paper) (HSK 2)
zhè  zhāng  zhǐ  xiě  zhuó  tā  de  zhōng  wén  míng  zi  。
This piece of paper was written on his Chinese name.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Learn Chinese: 20 Common Actions Before Going to School/Work

20 actions you do before you go to school/work
Phrases/idioms/common basic daily frequently-used Chinese
Verbs you use in the morning in Pinyin

wake up 睡醒 shuì  xǐng 
I just woke up. 我刚睡醒。wǒ  gāng  shuì  xǐng  。
get up 起床 qǐ  chuáng
I just got up. 我刚起床。wǒ  gāng  qǐ  chuáng  。
get up on the wrong side of the bed (get angry when you get up) 起床气 qǐ  chuáng  qì
Don't get close to him. He got up on the wrong side of the bed. 不要靠近他,他有起床气。bù  yào  kào  jìn  tā  ,  tā  yǒu  qǐ  chuáng  qì  。
sleep in睡过头 shuì  guò  tóu
stretch your body 伸懒腰 shēn  lǎn  yāo 
fold the quilt 折棉被zhé  mián  bèi
make the bed 整理床铺zhěng  lǐ  chuáng  pù
wash your face 洗脸  xǐ  liǎn 
brush your teeth 刷牙 shuā  yá 
take a bath 洗澡 xǐ  zǎo 
dry your hair 吹头发  chuī  tóu  fa 
comb your hair 梳头发 shū  tóu  fa
My younger sister is combing her hair. 妹妹正在梳头发。mèi  mei  zhèng  zài  shū  tóu  fa  。
eat breakfast 吃早餐 chī  zǎo  cān
put on clothes 穿衣服 chuān  yī  fu
go to the bathroom 上厕所 shàng  cè  suǒ
say goodbye to your family 跟家人道別gēn  jiā  rén  dào  bié 
She was reluctant to say goodbye to her family. 她依依不舍跟家人道別。tā  yī  yī  bù  shě  gēn  jiā  rén  dào  bié  。
take a train 坐火车 zuò  huǒ  chē
catch a bus 赶公交车 gǎn  gōng  jiāo  chē
My younger brother didn't catch the bus. 弟弟没赶上公交车。dì  di  méi  gǎn  shàng  gōng  jiāo  chē  。
go to school 去学校   qù  xué  xiào
go to work 去上班  qù  shàng  bān

Useful Chinese Sentences for Muslim People

10 Common Chinese sentences for Muslim people
10 Basic Daily Muslim conversations with Pinyin

我信奉  I believe in
wǒ xìn fèng
ā  lā

wǒ xìn fèng ā lā
I believe in Allah.

我信奉  wǒ xìn fèng
I believe in
伊斯兰教 (Islam)
yī  sī  lán  jiāo

wǒ  xìn  fèng  yī  sī  lán  jiāo
I believe in Islam.

yī  sī  lán  jiāo = huí  jiào
我是  wǒ shì
I am

穆斯林 Muslim
mù  sī  lín 

我 是  穆  斯  林。
wǒ shì  mù  sī  lín。
I am Muslim.
愿: wish

真主 (The Lord) 阿 拉 (Allah)
zhēn zhǔ  ā  lā

保祐你: bless you
bǎo yòu nǐ

yuàn zhēn zhǔ ā lā bǎo yòu nǐ
May The Lord Allah bless you.
我喜欢wǒ xǐ huan: I like
读dú : read
古gǔ : old, ancient
兰lán: orchid (a kind of flower)
经jīng: book, sutra
古兰经Holy Quran
gǔ lán jīng
wǒ xǐ  huan  dú  gǔ lán jīng。
I like to read the Quran.
我每天wǒ  měi  tiān   I….every day
到dào   get to, go to
清真寺qīng  zhēn  sì   mosque
祷告dǎo  gào  pray

wǒ  měi  tiān dào qīng  zhēn  sì dǎo  gào

I go to a mosque and pray every day.
不好意思bù  hǎo  yì  si  excuse me
我不吃wǒ  bù  chī  I don’t eat
猪肉zhū  ròu  pork

bù  hǎo  yì  si  wǒ  bù  chī  zhū  ròu
Excuse me, I don’t eat pork.
请问qǐng  wèn  Excuse me
你是…嗎?nǐ  shì …ma?  Are you…?

回教徒huí  jiào  tú   muslim
请问你是回教徒嗎?qǐng  wèn nǐ  shì huí  jiào  tú ma
Excuse me, are you muslim?

请问qǐng  wèn  excuse me
附近fù  jìn  nearby
有清真寺吗yǒu  qīng  zhēn  sì  ma  Are there (any) mosques?
qǐng  wèn  fù  jìn  yǒu  qīng  zhēn  sì  ma
Excuse me, are there (any) mosques nearby?
ā  lā  ài  wǒ men
Allah loves us
shèng guò: more than
qī shí gè: 70
母 亲 的爱
mǔ qīn de ài
mothers’ love

阿 拉 爱  我 们,
ā  lā  ài  wǒ men ,
Allah loves us
shèng guò qī shí gè mǔ qīn de ài。
more than 70 mothers’ love

HSK 1 and 2 Vocabulary and Wordlist (Complete 300)

Classifications of HSK 1 and 2 Vocabulary and Wordlist
All 300 HSK 1 and 2 Words in Pinyin and Voiced video

All the 150 Chinese words in HSK 1 (Quick)

All the 150 Chinese words in HSK 1 (Complete)

All the 150 Chinese words in HSK 2

Let's learn Parts of Your Fingers and Hands in Chinese

Parts of Your Fingers and Hands in Chinese

Introduction to parts of your hands in Chinese
How to say parts of the hands in pinyin
Basic and common way to describe parts of hands

hands 手 shǒu
palm手掌shǒu  zhǎng
the back of the hand 手背shǒu  bèi
wrists 手腕shǒu  wàn
My younger brother twisted his wrist. 弟弟的手腕扭到了。   dì  di  de  shǒu  wàn  niǔ  dào  le  。
fingernails   指甲zhǐ  jiǎ
fingers 手指shǒu  zhǐ
five fingers 五根手指wǔ  gēn  shǒu  zhǐ 
thumb 大姆指dà  mǔ  zhǐ 
My elder brother give me a thumbs-up (with his thumb).哥哥用大姆指比了个讚 gē  ge  yòng  dà  mǔ  zhǐ  bǐ  le  gè  zàn
index finger 食指shí  zhǐ 
Her index fingers are thin and long. 她的食指很细长。 tā  de  shí  zhǐ  hěn  xì  cháng  。
middle finger中指zhōng  zhǐ 
Don't give the finger (to  others).不要比中指 bú  yào  bǐ  zhōng  zhǐ 
ring finger 无名指 wú  míng  zhǐ
He put on a ring on his ring finger. 他把戒指戴在无名指上tā  bǎ  jiè  zhi  dài  zài  wú  míng  zhǐ  shàng 
little finger 小(姆)指  xiǎo  (  mǔ  )  zhǐ

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Learn different kinds of "meat" in Chinese [HSK 2]

How to say “a meat-eater” and “a vegetarian”?
素sù  vegetarian
我吃素。wǒ  chī  sù。 I am a vegetarian.
我吃菜。wǒ  chī  cài 。I eat vegetables.
我吃肉。wǒ  chī  ròu  。I eat meat.

Learn different kinds of "meat" in Chinese [HSK 2]

The animal + 肉(ròu - meat)

鸡肉jī  ròu - chicken
猪肉  zhū  ròu - pork
牛肉niú  ròu - beef
羊肉yáng  ròu - lamb
鸭肉  yā  ròu - duck
火鸡肉huǒ  jī  ròu - turkey
鱼肉yú ròu - fish

How to use the measure words for meat
一片牛肉yí piàn  niú  ròu – a slice of beef
一块牛肉yí  kuài  niú  ròu  - a chunk of beef

Learn basic Chinese greetings (HSK 1-3)

Let's learn some basic Chinese questions and greetings.
(HSK 1-3)

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Chinese daily conversation dialogue dialog basic
easy simple talk greet mandarin morning good
afternoon how are you evening night must learn

Learn how to read the basic numbers in Chinese (HSK 1,2)

Learn how to read the basic numbers/digitals in Chinese
(HSK 1,2)

一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二
yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí Shí Yī shí èr
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Spend ONLY 10 minutes daily on 5 Chinese vocabulary and sentences.
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H1U1: https://youtu.be/jyPU2J9XLYY (Basic)
H1U2: https://youtu.be/sij3JACCq0w
H1U3: https://youtu.be/iL-sYTXNamY
H1U4: https://youtu.be/ZnSFmBy-Nb0
H1U5: https://youtu.be/xx55k4R1WBU
H1U6: https://youtu.be/TjnSQJ0t6qE (Advanced)
More about HSK 1

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 "ALL 150 Vocabulary" (Brief & Quick Version)
Learn Chinese with Richard Wu.
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Let's learn how to say family members in Chinese. [HSK 1, 2]

[HSK 1, 2] Let's learn how to say family members in Chinese.

儿子 ér  zi -son
女儿nǚ  ér- daughter
爸爸bà  ba-father
妈妈 mā  ma  -mother
哥哥 gē  ge  - elder brother
弟弟dì  di – younger brother
姐姐jiě  jie-elder sister
妹妹 mèi  mei  - younger sister
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Spend ONLY 10 minutes daily on 5 Chinese vocabulary and sentences.
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H1U1: https://youtu.be/jyPU2J9XLYY (Basic)
H1U2: https://youtu.be/sij3JACCq0w
H1U3: https://youtu.be/iL-sYTXNamY
H1U4: https://youtu.be/ZnSFmBy-Nb0
H1U5: https://youtu.be/xx55k4R1WBU
H1U6: https://youtu.be/TjnSQJ0t6qE (Advanced)
More about HSK 1

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 "ALL 150 Vocabulary" (Brief & Quick Version)
Learn Chinese with Richard Wu.
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[TEN-MINUTE DAILY CHINESE] HSK 2: Unit 6 - FIVE words and sentences from HSK

This is [HSK 2]-Unit 6: Words 26-30
We give you a FREE and COMPLETE HSK online study plan.
Spend ONLY 10 minutes daily on 5 Chinese vocabulary and sentences.
You can achieve your HSK goal easily and naturally.
More about HSK 2:

H2U1: https://youtu.be/UPfFXjvx6g4
H2U2: https://youtu.be/OeITFuhn23I
H2U3: https://youtu.be/Lj6CCHTyCaM
H2U4: https://youtu.be/RNA7g3fbo30
H2U5: https://youtu.be/r4BkTxFjU2M

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

1. 得 de(a helping word for verbs)
Sentence Patterns:  a verb + 得 + an adjective

哭得很伤心     cry sadly
kū  de  hěn  shāng  xīn
玩得很高兴   play happily
wán  de  hěn  gāo  xìng

zhè  hái  zi  pǎo  de  hěn  màn  。
This kid ran very slowly.

2. 非常fēi  cháng(very)
zhè  zhāng  piào  fēi  cháng  pián  yi  。
This ticket is very cheap.

3. 服务员fú  wù  yuán(waiter)
fú  wù  yuán  sòng  lái  mǐ  fàn  hé  miàn  tiáo  。
The waiter served with rice and noodles

4. 高gāo(tall/high)
In Chinese, “tall” and “high” are the same word“高”
gē  ge  zhǎng  de  hěn  gāo  。
(My) elder brother grows tall.

5. 告诉gào  su(tell)
tā  gào  sù  wǒ  jīn  tiān  běi  jīng  tiān  qì  hěn  hǎo  。
She told me that the weather in Beijing today was very good.
Practice Chinese with Richard Wu.
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[TEN-MINUTE DAILY CHINESE] HSK 2: Unit 5 - FIVE words and sentences from HSK

This is [HSK 2]-Unit 5: Word 21-25
We give you a FREE and COMPLETE HSK online study plan.
Spend ONLY 10 minutes daily on 5 Chinese vocabulary and sentences.
You can achieve your HSK goal easily and naturally.
More about HSK 2:

H2U1: https://youtu.be/UPfFXjvx6g4
H2U2: https://youtu.be/OeITFuhn23I
H2U3: https://youtu.be/Lj6CCHTyCaM
H2U4: https://youtu.be/RNA7g3fbo30
H2U5: https://youtu.be/r4BkTxFjU2M

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist
1. 穿chuān(wear, put on)
tā  chuān  hóng  sè  de  yī  fu 。
He wore red clothes.

2. 次cì(time[s])
bà  ba  qù  guò  yí  cì  běi  jīng 。
Father has been to Beijing once.

3. 从cóng(from)
cóng  wǒ  jiā  dào  gōng  sī  ,  zǒu  lù  yào  shí  fēn  zhōng 。
From my home to the company, it takes ten minutes on foot.

4. 吧ba(a helping word for consent or assumption)
kuài  zǒu  ba 。
Let’s hurry.

5. 到dào(to, reach, get to)
gē  ge  zǎo  shang  jiǔ  diǎn  dào  xué  xiào 。
(My) elder brother goes to school at nine in the morning.

Practice Chinese with Richard Wu.
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[TEN-MINUTE DAILY CHINESE] HSK 2: Unit 2 - FIVE words and sentences from HSK

This is [HSK 2]-Unit 2: Word 6-10
We give you a FREE and COMPLETE HSK online study plan.
Spend ONLY 10 minutes daily on 5 Chinese vocabulary and sentences.
You can achieve your HSK goal easily and naturally.
More about HSK 2:

H2U1: https://youtu.be/UPfFXjvx6g4
H2U2: https://youtu.be/OeITFuhn23I
H2U3: https://youtu.be/Lj6CCHTyCaM
H2U4: https://youtu.be/RNA7g3fbo30
H2U5: https://youtu.be/r4BkTxFjU2M

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist
1. 白bái(white)
tā de yī fú shì bái sè de 。
His clothes are white.
2. 百bǎi(hundred)
wǒ yǒu yì bǎi yuán 。
I have one hundred dollars.
3. 帮助bāng zhù(help)
nǐde jiějie bāng zhù le wǒ 。
Your elder sister helped me.
4. 报纸bào zhǐ(newspaper)
wǒ de bà ba zhèng zài kàn bào zhǐ 。
My dad is reading a newspaper.
 5 出chū(out)
xiǎo míng chū mén le 。
小明went out.
Practice Chinese with Richard Wu.
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[TEN-MINUTE DAILY CHINESE] HSK 2: Unit 1 - FIVE words and sentences from HSK

This is [HSK 2]-Unit 1: Word 1-5
We give you a FREE and COMPLETE HSK online study plan.
Spend ONLY 10 minutes daily on 5 Chinese vocabulary and sentences.
You can achieve your HSK goal easily and naturally.
More about HSK 2:

H2U1: https://youtu.be/UPfFXjvx6g4
H2U2: https://youtu.be/OeITFuhn23I
H2U3: https://youtu.be/Lj6CCHTyCaM
H2U4: https://youtu.be/RNA7g3fbo30
H2U5: https://youtu.be/r4BkTxFjU2M

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist
1. 比 bǐ (compare; more than)
tā bǐ wǒ piào liàng。
she is prettier than I.

2. 别 bié (don’t)
bié zǒu 。
Don’t go.

3. 宾馆 bīn guǎn(hotel)
tā qù le bīn guǎn 。
He went to the hotel.

4. 长 cháng (long)
zhè zhī bǐ hěn cháng 。
This pen is very long.

5. 唱歌 chàng gē(sing a song)
mèimei xǐhuan chàng gē
(My) sister likes to sing.
Practice Chinese with Richard Wu.
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[HSK 2: Vocabulary ALL 150] Let's read all the 150 Chinese words in HSK 2

[HSK 2: Vocabulary ALL 150] Let's read all the 150 Chinese words in HSK 2

Watch and listen to this video every night before sleeping.
Within one week or two, you can get familiar with all the vocabulary in HSK 2
More about HSK 1 - HSK 3:

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 1-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 151-200, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 201-250, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 251-300, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 "ALL 300 Vocabulary", including the wordlist
Learn Chinese with Richard Wu.
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[HSK 2: Vocabulary 101-150] Let's read all the 150 Chinese words in HSK 2

[HSK 2: Vocabulary 101-150] Let's read all the 150 Chinese words in HSK 2
More about HSK 1 - HSK 3:

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 1-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 151-200, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 201-250, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 251-300, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 "ALL 300 Vocabulary", including the wordlist
[HSK 2 (Words 101-150)]
Learn all the Chinese vocabulary from HSK 2 before sleeping (101-150)
Memorize every Chinese word on HSK 2 naturally before you sleep.
Keep listening to this video for one week. You can easily keep them in mind.

  101. 它/tā  (it) 
  102. 踢/tī  足球/zúqiú  (kick soccer) 
  103. 题/tí  (topic) 
  104. 跳舞/tiàowǔ  (dance) 
  105. 外/wài  (out) 
  106. 完/wán  (finish, over) 
  107. 玩/wán  (play) 
  108. 晚上/wǎnshang  (evening, night) 
  109. 往/wǎng  (go [to a direction]) 
  110. 为什么/wèishénme  (why) 
  111. 问/wèn  (ask) 
  112. 问题/wèntí  (question) 
  113. 西瓜/xīguā  (watermelon) 
  114. 希望/xīwàng  (wish, hope) 
  115. 洗/xiǎn  (wash) 
  116. 小时/xiǎoshí  (hour) 
 117. 笑/xiào  (smile, laugh) 
  118. 新/xīn  (new) 
  119. 姓/xìng  (surname) 
  120. 休息/xiūxi  (rest) 
  121. 雪/xuě  (snow) 
  122. 颜色/yánsè  (color) 
  123. 眼睛/yǎnjing  (eyes) 
  124. 羊肉/yángròu  (mutton, lamb) 
  125. 药/yào  (medicine) 
  126. 要/yào  (want, need) 
 127.  也/yě  (also) 
 128.  一起/yìqǐ  (together) 
  129. 一下/yíxià  (once) 
  130. 已经/yǐjīng  (already) 
  131. 意思/yìsi  (meaning) 
  132. 因为/yīnwèi  …  …  所以/suǒyǐ  …  …  (because…, [so]…) 
 133.  阴/yīn  (cloudy) 
  134. 游泳/yóuyǒng  (swim) 
  135. 右边/yòubian  (right side) 
  136. 鱼/yú  (fish) 
  137. 远/yuǎn  (far) 
  138. 运动/yùndòng  (sports, exercise) 
  139. 再/zài  (again) 
  140. 早上/zǎoshang  (morning) 
  141. 丈夫/zhàngfu  (husband) 
  142. 找/zhǎo  (find, look for) 
  143. 着/zhe  (a helping word for actions in progress) 
  144. 真/zhēn  (real, true) 
  145. 正在/zhèngzài  (doing some action in process) 
  146. 知道/zhīdao  (know) 
  147. 准备/zhǔnbèi  (prepare) 
  148. 走/zǒu  (walk, go) 
  149. 最/zuì  (the most) 
150. 左边zuǒ bian (left side)
Learn Chinese with Richard Wu.
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[HSK 2] How to use “虽然…但是…” [Although…, (but)….] in Chinese

[HSK 2] Chinese Sentence Pattern
[HSK 2] How to use “虽然…但是…” [Although…, (but)….] in Chinese
Sentence Pattern: (Talking about a situation with different results)
虽然 (sentence), 但是 (sentence)。
S + 虽然…,但是 (sentence)。
虽然  弟弟  不  聪明  ,  但是他 还是  很努力学习。 
Suīrán dìdi bù cōngming ,dànshì tā háishi hěn nǔlì xuéxí。
Although (my) younger brother isn’t smart, (but) he still studies hard.

聪明/cōngming  (  hsk  3  smart  ) 
努力/nǔlì  学习/xuéxí  (  HSk  3  study  hard  )  
tā  suīrán  hěn piàoliang,dànshì méiyǒu rén xǐhuan tā 。
Although she is very pretty, (but) no one likes her.

suīrán  bàba  měitiān  gōngzuò  ,  dànshì  tā  háishi  hěn  kuàilè  。 
Although (my) father works daily, (but) he is still very happy.


1.  /臭豆腐很好吃/他还是不敢尝试。
/ chòudòufǔ  hěn  hàochī  /  tā  háishi  bùgǎn  chángshì  。 
臭豆腐 chòudòufǔ : stinky tofu
不敢 bùgǎn : dare not
  尝试/chángshì  (  HSK  6  try  )
2. /下雨/他的儿子还是去了公司。
/ xiàyǔ  /  tā  de  érzi  háishi  qù  le  gōngsī 。

[HSK 2: Vocabulary 51-100] Let's read all the 150 Chinese words in HSK 2

HSK 2: Vocabulary 51-100] Let's read all the 150 Chinese words in HSK 2
More about HSK 1 - HSK 3:

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 1-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 151-200, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 201-250, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 251-300, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 "ALL 300 Vocabulary", including the wordlist
[HSK 2 (Words 51-100)]
Learn all the 300 Chinese words from HSK 2 before sleeping (51-100)
Memorize every Chinese word on HSK 2 naturally before you sleep.
Keep listening to this video for one week. You can easily keep them in mind.

51. 就/jiù  (just, right away) 
  52. 觉得/juéde  (feel) 
  53. 咖啡/kāfēi  (coffee) 
  54. 开始/kāishǐ  (start, begin) 
  55. 考试/kǎoshì  (test, exam) 
  56. 可能/kěnéng  (probably, might) 
  57. 可以/kěyǐ  (can, be able to) 
  58. 课/kè  (lesson, class) 
  59. 快/kuài  (fast, quickly) 
  60. 快乐/kuàilè  (happy, glad) 
  61. 累/lèi  (tired) 
  62. 离/lí  (leave) 
  63. 两/liǎng  (two) 
  64. 零/líng  (zero) 
  65. 路/lù  (road) 
  66. 旅游/lǚyóu  (trip, travel) 
  67. 卖/mài  (sell) 
  68. 慢/màn  (slow) 
  69. 忙/máng  (busy) 
  70. 每/měi  (each, every) 
  71. 妹妹/mèimei  (younger sister) 
  72. 门/mén  (door) 
  73. 面条/miàntiáo  (noodle) 
  74. 男/nán  (male) 
  75. 您/nín  (you – the respectful form) 
  76. 牛奶/niúnǎi  (milk) 
  77. 女/nǚ  (female) 
  78. 旁边/pángbiān  (side, next to) 
  79. 跑步/pǎobù  (run) 
  80. 便宜/piányi  (cheap) 
  81. 票/piào  (ticket) 
  82. 妻子/qīzi  (wife) 
  83. 起床/qǐchuáng  (get up) 
  84. 千/qiān  (thousand) 
  85. 铅笔/qiānbǐ  (pencil) 
  86. 晴/qíng  (sunny) 
  87. 去年/qùnián  (last year) 
  88. 让/ràng  (let) 
  89. 日/rì  (sun) 
  90. 上班/shàngbān  (work) 
  91. 身体/shēntǐ  (body) 
  92. 生病/shēngbìng  (sick, ill ) 
  93. 生日/shēngrì  (birthday) 
  94. 时间/shíjiān  (time) 
  95. 事情/shìqing  (things, stuff) 
  96. 手表/shǒubiǎo  (watch) 
  97. 手机/shǒujī  (cell phone) 
  98. 说话/shuōhuà  (talk) 
  99. 送/sòng  (give, send) 
  100. 虽然/suīrán  …  …  但是/dànshì  …  …  (Although…, (but) ….) 
Learn Chinese with Richard Wu.
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[HSK 2: Vocabulary 1-50] Let's read all the 150 Chinese words in HSK 2

[HSK 2: Vocabulary 1-50]
Let's read all the 150 Chinese words in HSK 2
More about HSK 1 - HSK 3:

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 1 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 1-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 151-200, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 201-250, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 Vocabulary 251-300, including the wordlist

Read HSK 3 "ALL 300 Vocabulary", including the wordlist
Never give up.
Learn all the 300 Chinese words from HSK 2 before sleeping (1-50)
Listen to every Chinese word on HSK 2 naturally before you sleep.
Keep watch this video for one week. You can easily memorize these words.
1. 吧/ba  ( a modal word for suggestion or assumption ) 
2. 白/bái  ( white color ) 
3. 百/bǎi  ( hundred) 
4. 帮助/bāngzhù  ( help ) 
5. 报纸/bàozhǐ   ( newspaper ) 
6. 比/bǐ  (compare, more than) 
7. 别/bié  (don’t) 
8. 宾馆/bīnguǎn  (hotel) 
9. 长/ cháng  (long) 
10. 唱歌/chànggē  (sing a song) 
11. 出/chū  (  out  ) 
12. 穿/chuān  (  wear  ) 
13. 次/cì  (  time(s) ) 
14. 从/cóng  (  from  ) 
15. 错/cuò  (  mistake ) 
16. 打/dǎ  篮球/lánqiú  (play basketball) 
17. 大家/dàjiā  (everyone) 
18. 到/dào  (reach, get to) 
19. 得/de  (a helping word used after a verb) 
20. 等/děng  (wait) 
21. 弟弟/dìdi  (younger brother) 
22. 第一/dìyī  (first) 
23. 懂/dǒng  (understand) 
24. 对/duì  (adjective: correct, right) 
25. 对/duì  (preposition: to, at)   
26. 房间/fángjiān  (room) 
27. 非常/fēicháng  (very) 
28. 服务员/fúwùyuán  (waiter) 
29. 高/gāo  (tall, high) 
30. 告诉/gàosu   (tell) 
31. 哥哥/gēge  (elder brother) 
32. 给/gěi  (give) 
33. 公共汽车/gōnggòngqìchē  (bus) 
34. 公司/gōngsī  (company) 
35. 贵/guì  (expensive) 
36. 过/guò  (a helping word: some action which has been done) 
37. 还/hái  (still) 
38. 孩子/háizi  (kid) 
39. 好吃/hàochī  (yummy, delicious) 
40. 黑/hēi  (black color) 
41. 红/hóng  (red color) 
42. 火车站/huǒchēzhàn  (train station) 
43. 机场/jīchǎng  (airport) 
44. 鸡蛋/jīdàn  (egg) 
45. 件/jiàn  (a measure word for clothes) 
46. 教室/jiàoshì  (classroom) 
47. 姐姐/jiějie  (elder sister) 
48. 介绍/jièshào  (introduce) 
49. 进/jìn  (enter) 
50. 近/jìn  (near)
Learn Chinese with Richard Wu.
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[TEN-MINUTE DAILY CHINESE] HSK 2: Unit 4 - FIVE words and sentences from HSK

HSK 2 汉语水平考试(二级)
HSK 2 hàn yǔ shuǐ píng kǎo shì (èr jí )
Never give up.
Let's learn 5 words and sentences every day.
This is [HSK 2]-Unit 4: Word 16-20
We give you a FREE and COMPLETE HSK online study plan.
Spend ONLY 10 minutes daily on 5 Chinese vocabulary and sentences.
You can achieve your HSK goal easily and naturally.
More about HSK 2:

H2U1: https://youtu.be/UPfFXjvx6g4
H2U2: https://youtu.be/OeITFuhn23I
H2U3: https://youtu.be/Lj6CCHTyCaM
H2U4: https://youtu.be/RNA7g3fbo30
H2U5: https://youtu.be/r4BkTxFjU2M

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist
第一dì yī(first)
tā dé dào le dì yī míng 。
She got the first place.

懂dǒng(understand, know)
wǒ dǒng le。/wǒ bù dǒng 。
I understood./ I don’t understand.

对 duì(correct, right: adjective)
tā dá duì le 。
He got the correct answer.

对duì(to, at: preposition)
mèi mei  duì zhe wǒ xiào 。
(My) sister smiled at me.

房间fáng jiān(room)
zhè shì wǒ de fáng jiān 。
This is my room.
Practice Chinese with Richard Wu.
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[Learn Chinese] Introduction: Talk about HSK Level 2

Let's talk about HSK Level 2

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[Learn Chinese] HSK 1-2 Listening Test 20181118

HSK 1-2 - Listening Test:

(1) a. 弟弟 b. 哥哥 c. 爸爸
(2) a. 不能 b. 不会 c. 不想
(3) a. 打 b. 说 c. 用
(4) a. 去 b. 走 c. 玩

HSK 1-2 - Listening Test:
wǒ de (1)____shì yī wèi lǎo shī 。
tā (2)______yóu yǒng 。
wǒ qù (3)_____lán qiú 。
duì bù qǐ ,wǒ bù néng hé nǐ yī qǐ (5)_____。

(1) a. dì dì b. gē gē c. bà bà
(2) a. bù néng b. bù huì c. bù xiǎng
(3) a. dǎ b. shuō c. yòng
(4) a. qù b. zǒu c. wán

[TEN-MINUTE DAILY CHINESE] HSK 2: Unit 3 - FIVE words and sentences from HSK

HSK 2 汉语水平考试(二级)
HSK 2 hàn yǔ shuǐ píng kǎo shì
 Never give up. Let's learn 5 words and sentences every day.
This is [HSK 2]-Unit 3: Word 11-15
We give you a FREE and COMPLETE HSK online study plan.
Spend ONLY 10 minutes daily on 5 Chinese vocabulary and sentences.
You can achieve your HSK goal easily and naturally.
More about HSK 2:

H2U1: https://youtu.be/UPfFXjvx6g4
H2U2: https://youtu.be/OeITFuhn23I
H2U3: https://youtu.be/Lj6CCHTyCaM
H2U4: https://youtu.be/RNA7g3fbo30
H2U5: https://youtu.be/r4BkTxFjU2M

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 1-50, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 51-100, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 Vocabulary 101-150, including the wordlist

Read HSK 2 "ALL 150 Vocabulary", including the wordlist
错cuò(wrong; mistake; fault)
这   是  我   的  错。
zhè  shì  wǒ  de  cuò 。
This is my fault.

打篮球dǎ lán qiú(play basketball)
哥哥  爱打   篮球。
gē ge  ài dǎ  lán qiú 。
(My) big brother loves to play basketball.

大家dà jiā(everyone)
大家 好。
dà jiā hǎo 。
Hello, everyone.

等děng(wait; wait for)
他   正 在    等   他的  爸爸。
tā  zhèng zài  děng  tā de  bà ba  。
He is waiting for his father.

弟弟dì di(younger brother)
我的   弟弟 是   一位   医生。
wǒ de  dì di  shì  yī wèi  yī shēng 。
My younger brother is a doctor.
Practice Chinese with Richard Wu.
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6 Common Daily Chinese Questions and Answers

6 Easy and Basic Chinese Questions and Answers
6 Common and Simple Conversations/Dialogs for Chinese beginners

The most important question and answer sentences
The difference between them
family name
Name of the person
The person's address
Telephone number

1. 您贵姓?nín  guì  xìng  ? What is your family name?
我姓吴。wǒ  xìng  wú  。 My family name is Wu.
我姓Khan。 wǒ  xìng  Khan  。  My family name is Khan.
我姓Smith。wǒ  xìng  Smith  。 My family name is Smith.

2. 你叫什么名字?nǐ  jiào  shén  me  míng  zi  ? What’s your name?
我叫费玉清。 wǒ  jiào  fèi  yù  qīng  。   I am 费玉清.
我叫Richard。 wǒ  jiào  Richard  。  I am Richard.
我叫Behram。wǒ  jiào  Behram  。  I am Behram.

3. 你的昵称是什么?nǐ  de  nì  chēng  shì  shén  me  ? What’s your nickname?
我的昵称是金刚。wǒ  de  nì  chēng  shì  jīn  gāng  。
My nickname is King Kong

4. 你是哪国人?nǐ  shì  nǎ  guó  rén  ?  Which country do you come from?
我是挪威人。wǒ  shì  nuó  wēi  rén 。    I come from Norway.
我是印度人。wǒ  shì  yìn  dù  rén  。  I come from India.
我是西班牙人。  wǒ  shì  xī  bān  yá  rén  。 I come from Spain.

5. 你的电话号码是多少?nǐ  de  diàn  huà  hào  mǎ  shì  duō  shao  ?
What’s your phone number?
我的电话号码是2297-3321。wǒ  de  diàn  huà  hào  mǎ  shì  2297  -  3321  。 
My phone number is 2297-3321.

6. 你住在哪里?nǐ  zhù  zài  nǎ  li  ?  Where do you live?
我住北京。wǒ  zhù  běi  jīng  。   I live in Beijing.
我住泰山路二十一号五楼。wǒ  zhù  tài  shān  lù  èr  shí  yī  hào  wǔ  lóu  。 
I live on the fifth floor, No. 21, Taishan Rd.

Useful Chinese Classroom Expressions (1)

Useful Chinese classroom expressions in Pinyin and in voice.
Basic and daily classroom expressions/Command in Chinese

This is Part 1.
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Useful Chinese Classroom Expressions  (2)

Classroom Greetings问候篇:wèn  hòu  piān
Stand up! 起立。qǐ  lì
Attention! 立正。lì  zhèng
Bow! 敬礼。jìng  lǐ
Hello, teacher. 老师好。lǎo  shī  hǎo
Hello, classmates! 同学们好。tòng  xué  men  hǎo 
Sit down! 坐下。zuò xià 。
Hello, principal. 校长好xiào  zhǎng  hǎo
The class starts.上课。shàng  kè  。
The class is over. 下课。 xià  kè  。
Take a break. 休息一下。 xiū  xi  y í  xià  。
Take a ten-minute break. 休息十分钟。xiū  xi  shí  fēn  zhōng  。
You’re correct. 对。duì  。
Not correct. 不对。bú  duì  。
Very good. 很好。hěn  hǎo  。
Goodbye, teacher. 老师再见。 lǎo  shī  zài  jiàn  。
Goodbye, students. 同学们再见。 tóng  xué  men   zài  jiàn  。

Self-Introduction from a New Teacher 新老师的自我介绍。xīn  lǎo  shī  de  zì  wǒ  jiè  shào  。
My name is Richard Wu. 我的名字是Richard Wu. wǒ  de  míng  zi  shì  Richard  Wu  . 
I'm your new teacher.  我是你们的新老师。wǒ  shì  nǐ  men  de  xīn lǎo  shī  。
I come from the USA. 我来自美国。wǒ  lái  zì  měi  guó  。 
I teach English. 我教英语。wǒ  jiào  yīng  yǔ  。
Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你们。hěn  gāo  xìng  rèn  shi  nǐ  men  。 
I hope you all like me. 希望你们喜欢我。xī  wàng  nǐ  men  xǐ  huan  wǒ  。
Please introduce yourselves, too. 也请你们自我介绍。yě  qǐng  nǐ  men  zì  wǒ  jiè  shào  。
I want to teach kids in poor countries. 我想教穷困国家的小孩。wǒ  xiǎng  jiào  qióng  kùn  guó  jiā  de  xiǎo  hái  。


Classroom Discipline/ Rules管教篇guǎn  jiào  piān:
Please don’t talk. 请不要说话。qǐng  bú  yào  shuō  huà  。 
Please be quiet. 请安静。 qǐng  ān  jìng  。
Raise your hand, please. 请举手。 qǐng  jǔ  shǒu  。
Don’t eat in class.上课不可以吃东西。shàng  kè  bù  kě  yǐ  chī  dōng  xi  。 
Don’t use your cellphone in class. 上课不可以用手机。shàng  kè  bù  kě  yǐ  yòng  shǒu  jī   
Please turn off your cellphone. 手机请关机。shǒu  jī  qǐng  guān  jī 
Please turn your cellphone on silent. 手机请关静音。 shǒu  jī  qǐng  guān  jìng  yīn 
Please don’t nod off. 请不要打瞌睡。qǐng  bú  yào  dǎ  kē  shuì  。 
Do not rest your head and arms (on the desk). 不要趴着。bú  yào  pā  zhe  。
Please concentrate in class. 上课请专心。shàng  kè  qǐng  zhuān  xīn  。 
Don’t walk around in class. 上课別随便走动。shàng  kè  bié  suí  biàn  zǒu  dòng  。 
Look over here. 看这里。 kàn  zhè  lǐ  。
Put your comic book away. 把漫画书收起来。bǎ  màn  huà  shū  shōu  qǐ  lái  。 

The class begins 开始上课篇kāi  shǐ  shàng  kè  piān
Take out your book. 请把书拿出来qǐng  bǎ  shū  ná  chū  lái 
Open your book. 打开你的书。dǎ  kāi  nǐ  de  shū  。 
Close your book. 把书合起来。bǎ  shū  hé  qǐ  lái  。
We are studying Lesson 5 today. 今天要上第五课。 jīn  tiān  yào  shàng  dì  wǔ  kè  。 
Open your book to Page 21. 翻开课本第21页。fān  kāi  kè  běn  dì  21  yè  。  . 
Please take out your pen. 请把笔拿出来。qǐng  bǎ  bǐ  ná  chū  lái  。
Please take a look at Paragraph three. 请看第三段。 qǐng  kàn  dì  sān  duàn  。 
Repeat after me. 请跟我念一遍。qǐng  gēn  wǒ  niàn  yí  biàn  。
Today’s lesson is about English grammar.今天要上的是英文语法。jīn  tiān  yào  shàng  de  shì  yīng  wén  yǔ  fǎ  。 
Please repeat again.请再说一遍。qǐng  zài  shuō  yí  biàn  。 
Please speak slowly. 請說慢一點。qǐng  shuō  màn  yì  diǎn  。 
Can you follow me? 听得懂吗?tīng  de  dǒng  ma  ?
Do you understand? 了解吗?  liǎo  jiě  ma  ?

Useful Chinese Classroom Expressions (2)

Useful Chinese classroom expressions in Pinyin and in voice.
Basic and daily classroom expressions/Command in Chinese

This is Part 2.
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Useful Chinese Classroom Expressions  (1)

Checking Attendance (Roll Call)
出席与点名 chū  xí  yǔ diǎn  míng

I'm going to call the roll. 我要开始点名了。wǒ  yào  kāi  shǐ  diǎn  míng  le  。

Who is not here? 有谁缺席呀?yǒu  shuí  quē  xí  ya  ?
Bill isn't. 比尔缺席。bǐ  ěr  quē  xí  。

Is anybody absent today? 今天有人缺席吗?jīn  tiān  yǒu  rén  quē  xí  ma  ?
Nobody is. 都有来。dōu  yǒu  lái  。 

Why were you absent last Friday? 上周五你为何缺课?shàng  zhōu  wǔ  nǐ  wèi  hé  quē  kè  ? 
Because I had a cold. 因为我感冒了。yīn  wèi  wǒ  gǎn  mào  le  。

Helen, you've been absent for two days. 海伦,你已经缺课两天了。hǎi  lún  ,  nǐ  yǐ  jīng  quē  kè  liǎng  tiān  le  。 

What's wrong with Mary today? 玛莉今天怎么了?mǎ  lì  jīn  tiān  zěn  me  le  ?

What was the matter with you? 你怎么了?nǐ  zěn  me  le  ?
I had a stomachache.我胃痛。wǒ  wèi  tòng  。

Everybody is here except for John. 除了约翰之外的人都到齐了。 chú  le  yuē  hàn  zhī  wài  de  rén  dōu  dào  qí  le  。

Has anybody seen John today? 有谁看到约翰?yǒu  shuí  kàn  dao  yuē  hàn  ?
No, I haven't. 我没看见。wǒ  méi  kàn  jiàn  。 

What's your excuse for being late? 你迟到的理由是什么?nǐ  chí  dào  de  lǐ  yóu  shì  shén  me  ?

Did you miss your bus? 你错过公交车了吗? nǐ  cuò  guò gōng jiāo    chē le ma  ? 

Did you oversleep? 你睡过头了吗?nǐ  shuì  guò  tóu  le  ma  ? 

Don't let it happen again. 別再犯了。bié  zài  fàn  le  。 

Learn and Review   学习与复习 xué  xí  yǔ  fù  xí 

Let's review our last lesson. 让我们复习上一课。ràng  wǒ  men  fù  xí  shàng  yí  kè  。

Let's go over Lesson One. 让我们温习第一课。ràng  wǒ  men  wēn  xí  dì  yī  kè  。 

Can anybody tell me what we talked about last time?
yǒu  shuí  néng  gào  su  wǒ  ,  wǒ  men  shàng  cì  tǎo  lùn  le  shén  me  ? 

Yes. We talked about "global warming".
shì  de  ,  wǒ  men  tǎo  lùn  le  「  wēn  shì  xiào  yìng  」  。

Don't forget what you learned last week.
bú  yào  wàng  jì  shàng  zhōu  nǐ  men  xué  guò  de  dōng  xi  。